Recognizing phishing emails, messages and phone calls

Clickflow Marketing


If you receive an email, phone call or message that appears to be from Clickflow and requests sensitive personal information, be cautious as it may be fraudulent.

Scammers may impersonate well-known companies via email, phone or text message, in the hope that recipients will provide confidential information (including passwords or bank or credit card details) and/or download malicious software.

If a message demands you take immediate action, includes attachments or links, asks you for personal information or promises a deal that is too good to be true, you should be cautious. This may include a request for wire transfers to overseas accounts, the purchase of prepaid cards, or cryptocurrency. Don’t click on links that come from people you don’t know, and don’t respond.

Phishing phone calls or messages

Clickflow is unlikely to send messages or make unannounced calls to you.

If you receive a missed call from someone purporting to be from Clickflow, do not call the number back.

If you’re unsure whether the request was genuine or not, be sure to get in touch with us through our contact form.

Email phishing attempts

A phishing email pretending to be from Clickflow typically contains a link that takes you to a fake website. There, you’ll be asked to sign in, and submit personal and account information.

These emails often include the Clickflow logo and a fake Clickflow address in the “From” line.

Here are some typical traits of phishing scams:

  • Asking for confidential information
  • An urgent or threatening tone that asks you to act quickly
  • Unsolicited attachments
  • A generic greeting, like “Attention Clickflow Customer”
  • A web address that looks like Clickflow, but which may have a typo or extra numbers and letters (like or

Report a phishing phone call or email 

If you receive a suspicious phone call or email, you should report it to us immediately. Here’s how:

Suspicious phone call

  1. Tell the caller that you’ll message back through official Clickflow channels. If you missed the call, do not call the number back.
  2. Email us at with details of what the caller asked for, and the phone number they called from. 

Suspicious email

  1. Don’t click any links in the email or open any attachments.
  2. Forward the message to us as an attachment at

We’ll let you know that we received the email.

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